Study and analysis of Hate Crimes in Spain (2013-2020)




Hate Crimes; Discrimination Social Exclusion; Fear and Racism


Introduction: In this article, we analyze the evolution of hate crimes in Spain from 2013 to 2020. Hate crimes are based on the relationship between racism and fear, shaped by a social and economic rejection based on race-ethnic identity, religion, sexual orientation-identity, sex/gender, and social class. 

Method: These crimes are examined by type and population affected with the figures obtained from the reports of the Ministry of the Interior of the Report on the Evolution of hate crimes. The methodology used has been a critical documental analysis of sources and data to reveal an X-ray of hate crimes within Spanish society and in comparison, to the European Union. The typology of the crimes is identified and analyzed. 

Results: The results indicate an overall increase in such crimes, particularly in five autonomous communities, with a significant increase in crimes motivated by sexual orientation and identity. Moreover, the data shows a significant increase in certain crimes related to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Conclusions: Further training for law and health officials is required to improve the precision of the registry, cataloguing and data generation in order to identify trends. In addition, pedagogy for the general population is necessary to create awareness of these crimes to the public.


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Author Biographies

Dr. , Universidad de Granada

Antonio M. Lozano Martín. Doctor in Sociology. Professor of the Department of Sociology at the University of Granada and Director of the International Master in Conflict Mediation. Currently his lines of research focus on the areas of Social Structure, Social Inequalities and Conflicts in contemporary society. Among his publications are: Treaty on mediation in conflict resolution (2015), Study on Ethnic, Cultural and Sociolinguistic processes and their relationship with multiethnic conflicts in Kazakhstan (2015), Sociology of Conflict in contemporary societies (2017).

Dra. , Universidad de Granada

Her research focuses on qualitative methodologies of social and educational exclusion, alternative pedagogies and second chance schools and how these foster resilience in young people. Additionally, she investigates how transversal peace education, in the school context, develops tools for peaceful coexistence. She has a Bachelor's degree from the University of Illinois-Chicago in Psychology with a specialization in Latin American Studies and Women's Studies. Her Master's degree is in Educational administration, planning and social policy from Harvard University. She has a doctorate in Pedagogy from the University of Granada. She is a current professor-researcher at the Department of Pedagogy, an associate member of the Institute of Peace and Conflicts and a member of the research group on Social Pedagogy and Education in Values, at the University of Granada. She has recently been a Visiting Fellow at the Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.

Dr., Universidad de Granada

Francisco Jiménez Bautista, Teacher, Geographer and Anthropologist, has a PhD in Humanities from the University of Almería, Spain; Full Professor of Social Anthropology; researcher at the Institute of Peace and Conflict and secretary of the Doctorate of Social Sciences at the University of Granada, Spain. His lines of research are: Theory and history of peace and conflicts; ecological and urban anthropology; and, Cultural conflicts, migrations, racism and vulnerabilities. Among his many articles and books, the following stand out: Youth and Racism (1997); The people of the metropolitan area of ​​Granada. Relationships, perceptions and conflicts (2004); Let's talk about peace (2007); Peaceful Knowledge: Neutral Peace (2009), and Peaceful Rationality. An introduction to Peace Studies (2011); Ecological Anthropology (2016); Conflict Management (2019).


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How to Cite

Lozano Martín, A. M., Barrientos Soto, A., & Jiménez Bautista, F. (2023). Study and analysis of Hate Crimes in Spain (2013-2020). Revista De Cultura De Paz, 7, 141–161.


